What are the benefits of a retainer?

What are the benefits of a retainer?

A mock-up report for one our of retainer packages.

What are the benefits of a retainer package for your app?

Your new mobile app is ready to launch. You’ve endured months of meetings, reviews, and development to bring to you this exciting moment. You’ve years of successful business ahead, but you need to make sure that your mobile app stays current and up to date with the trends. You set in a place a retainer so that you can concentrate on building your business while the developers can concentrate on maintaining your mobile app.

But what is a retainer, and what are the benefits beyond staying up to date with the latest trends?

We can collaborate to review your business goals and plan your software roadmap

We can work together to see how the mobile app can streamline your business goals and determine your software road map. This means that your mobile app will undergo regular updates that are in line with your company’s goals and will be reflected to your customers.

You will receive allocated development time in our schedule

Regular hours will be allocated in our development schedule so that you know exactly when we are working on your mobile app. This keeps updates regular and consistent so that you can plan ahead and maximise time.

You will work with a dedicated developer

The same developer will work on your mobile app which means you can build a good working relationship with someone who knows your mobile app inside and out. This reduces knowledge transfer between developers and means tasks can be completed quicker.

You will work with a dedicated project manager

The project manager will work with you to keep you up to date with the tasks at hand. They will attend the monthly progress meetings, implement the monthly report and send across the agenda for the next meeting.

You will have monthly progress meetings

Regular monthly meetings give us the chance to sit down and discuss what features have been updated in the past month and what will happen in the month ahead. This gives us time to discuss any questions you might have and be able to talk more in-depth with your dedicated developer if needed.

You will receive a monthly report

Once we have met, a monthly report will be provided to clarify the past and upcoming month. It will also contain monthly updated analytics that reviews the mobile app's performance.

You will be able to budget easily

Billing is simplified and predictable because the cost is consistent each month.

So apart from staying up to date with the latest trends, we can see that there are many benefits. You are able to make sure that your mobile app is following your business goals with a dedicated team, regular time allocation, budget and reports.

By implementing a retainer you’re also helping to grow Swipe & Tap. With your committed income, we can provide your business with a better level of support rather than spending time chasing new projects. We can also fund new team members that allow us to widen our skill set and increase our knowledge level.

Retainers provide endless amounts of benefits that just keep making your mobile app better and better. If you think that your business would enjoy dedicated development time each month get in touch by emailing hello@swipeandtap.co.uk.