Exploring the App Life Cycle with Our Work Experience Student

Exploring the App Life Cycle with Our Work Experience Student

Our software development work experience student Cian working on his app.

Last week, we welcomed Cian, a work experience student, to the Swipe & Tap team. Cian was interested in software development and contacted us to learn more.

Are you curious about what it's like to be part of our team? We asked Cian a few questions about his time with us and what he learned along the way.

Why did you choose to work at Swipe & Tap?

I was interested in software development, so I decided to do a self-placement at Swipe & Tap to ensure I could do something I enjoyed.

What did you get up to at Swipe & Tap?

I spent most of the week being mentored by Ashima, the iOS developer. We went through the complete life cycle of an app, from the story user phase to the design phase and then to the actual implementation.

I also shadowed each member of the team to learn about the different aspects of app development. Rebecca, the Web Developer, gave me some insights into web and API development, and Casey, the Android Developer, introduced me to Android development. I also sat with Holly, the Marketing Executive, who gave me a look into the marketing side of SEO and social media.

I also got to try creating my very own app, following the life cycle approach. I wrote down all of the app’s features that users would access, designed the layout with wireframes, and then went on to have a go at developing the app itself. 


What’s the working environment like at Swipe & Tap?

It’s professional but relaxed, which makes it an enjoyable place to work.


What has this week taught you about the working world?

It has taught me that work doesn’t have to be a daunting part of life. It can be enjoyable and a place to learn about things you love.


Has the week been what you thought it would be?

Before I started, I thought the office would be quite strict, and we would have to work in silence. However, it's actually been a fun setting, and the work has been interesting.


Has this experience helped you gain a better understanding of working in an app development company?

Yes. I’ve learnt about other programming languages and co-operating in a work environment.


Do you think this experience will help you with your career?

Yes, it makes me eager to work hard to get to a point like this in my own future career.


Would you be interested in further work experience at Swipe & Tap? If so, what would you like to learn more about?

Yes, I would! I’d like to learn about the more complex aspects of app development so that I can continue to expand my knowledge.


If you or someone you know is seeking work experience in the app development world, feel free to contact us! We're always open to welcoming enthusiastic learners to our team.